C. Thomas Anderson - Zitate und Weisheiten

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Faith doesn’t work in the past. You can’t change the past. You can’t even change the present. But you can change the future. However, you have to leave the past behind to get there. The biggest hindrance to wealth is our past.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 314-316

Find out what you love to do and learn to do it better than anyone else. When you do that, someone will be willing to pay you for it.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 328-329

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 336-337

Attitude is the library of your past, the speaker of your present, and the prophet of your future. Your attitude tells much about your past experiences. It also indicates where you are right now and gives a good indication of where you will end up if you don’t change it now. Attitude is also a measure of maturity. When you finally realize you are responsible for your attitude, you have grown up at last. If you condensed all of the Bible to its most basic essence, you would find one resounding theme: God is interested in the thoughts, attitudes, and intentions of the heart. All of creation, with the exception of Noah and his family and the animals in the Ark, was destroyed because the world had become so wicked that every thought and attitude was continually evil. God cares about attitudes. It’s not that we don’t have justification for bad attitudes. We often do. That’s not the point. It’s just that the bad attitude will keep you from getting to where you want to be, no matter how justifiable it is. Joseph

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 359-367

If Joseph had reason for a bad attitude, then Jesus had even more. He never did anything wrong, yet all kinds of people hated him and tried to kill him. Yet he was happy. He expected good in all circumstances. He was confident. He was forgiving. He was compassionate. He was content. He was motivated. He was a peacemaker. In trouble he drew closer to God rather than blaming Him. He was diligent, focused, flexible. He was not a legalist. He was pure in heart. He was a helper. He was full of mercy. The attitude Jesus demonstrated was never dependent on outside circumstances. He chose to have a good attitude. Without it He could never have fulfilled His mission in life.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 375-380

Fear of loss and the desire for things intensified by ignorance steals wealth.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 530-531

A vision without action is just a hallucination. Action without a vision is random activity. It takes a combination of passion and discipline to accomplish anything. Napoleon said, “Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.” Ask yourself, Are you a blaze or a smoldering ash?

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 548-550

Attitude is how you think. Passion is how you feel. It is the product of the attitudes and intentions of the heart. Right attitudes will keep you from going in the wrong direction, but without passion you will not go in any direction at all.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 594-596

“How can I develop a passion if I don’t already have it?” It begins with your attitude, but there is one further point that needs to be made. Passion is directly related to the thoughts and intents of the heart. Put in its simplest form, you will do what you believe. The belief system that you support in your heart will always dictate your behavior. If you want to change your behavior, then you must change your belief system. You must change your attitudes.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 617-620


Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 793-793

A poor person will make something he can sell and then feel satisfied after selling just a few hundred. A millionaire will find a way to get others to make it and sell it for him and will sell a few million.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 791-792

All successful investors have some failures in their lives. But they move on and try not to make the same mistakes again. With every new project the chance of failure becomes less. Failure is not the enemy of success, but rather the teacher of success.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 809-810

The wealthy have an absolute confidence that they will succeed. Even if they fail, it is only a learning step to success and not the last word. They think big. They challenge their fears. They prepare for success. They have heart and are not afraid of failure. Such confidence is the result of a settled conviction, a belief in success. That is faith. Even those investors who are not believers have this faith. In their case it is faith in their own abilities. How much more should believers have confidence in success when they have the creator of the universe backing them? So you’ve failed in the past or you’ve just failed to try. Get over it. You need to get faith instead.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 813-817

and they are unable to do any of them well. Success may mean cutting out activities and projects that do not really connect to your goals.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 859-860

To be successful, you should consistently do ten percent more than anyone else. So few people actually do anything above average that you can be successful on the basis of that one factor alone.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 857-858

Ask God to give you wisdom. Then begin reading, studying, and learning, and not just the Bible, but everything you can find about how the world works, how money works, and how investments work.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 933-934

This is the secret of wealth. In all the books I have read, I have not found anything that is any more complicated than this: Do not buy liabilities. Buy assets that can be fixed up and resold for more than you paid for them.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 950-952

The greatest profit comes from buying the less expensive house in the more expensive neighborhood.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1133-1133

there are opportunities to make money showing up every day. If you are aware of your surroundings, you will see them

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1315-1316

But the one certain thing is that if you are not in the race, you will not win the prize. That is the first step. Get in the race. But if you are going to run the race at all, then you must run to win. You are going to have to run harder and longer than you probably ever thought you could. You will have to endure pain and you will have to give up time and energy if you want to achieve success.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1414-1417

The desire for other things implies that you are not delighting yourself in God. This is perhaps the most dangerous position of all. It carries much of the same implication as the deceitfulness of riches. It is amazing how much power the desire for things can have. When you truly set your heart on something, such as a new car or clothes, it is only a matter of time before you will have it. You will dwell on it until you find a way to get it. This is what makes such desires unfruitful. They turn your focus away from delighting in God. Your attention becomes so focused on the thing you want that you will put yourself in debt in order to have it.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1552-1557

The key to setting all of these things in motion is self-control. No one will force you to get rich. God will bless your efforts when you do it His way, but He won’t make you do it. You must learn self-control in order to get there.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1571-1573

Your heart and your treasure cannot be separated. Your heart will follow your treasure and your treasure will produce the desire of your heart. When you set your heart on something, then it will not be long before your treasure becomes applied to obtaining it. You will begin to use your available treasure to produce the desire.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1567-1569

You need to have confidence, passion, discipline, ambition, creativity. These are all characteristics that are available to any person who will take the time to study business and learn how it works. Once you have these characteristics, however, you then need tenacity. Don’t give up until you get it right. Learn from your mistakes and try again. Peter Daniels, one of the wealthiest men in Australia, started six businesses before he finally succeeded. But he didn’t quit.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1958-1962

Plan purposefully. 2. Prepare prayerfully. 3. Proceed positively. 4. Pursue persistently.

Becoming a Millionaire God's Way: Getting Money to You, Not from You

C. Thomas Anderson

e-Book Location: 1971-1973