William Sanders - Zitate und Weisheiten

William Sanders wurde(n) 7 mal zitiert.

you can see, getting to and from Timbuktu is a complex issue, but the list of simple questions can all be answered by yes or no. Lots more questions would be included in the list, but each can be answered in a binary fashion. The “maybe” answer means that more questions need to be asked to get a yes/no answer.

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

e-Book Location: 266-269

So where speed of revision is important, your program needs to consider the speed of both operation and development. Algorithms handle speed of operations, and design patterns handle speed of development.

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

e-Book Location: 408-410

Knowledge adds value to any skillset. The more difficult the knowledge is to obtain, the more it is valued.

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

e-Book Location: 458-459

Two elements are needed to form a truth — a fact and an abstraction. — Remy de Gourmont

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

e-Book Location: 476-478

A class is encapsulated through limited access to its methods and properties. You don’t want outside influences to take control of the properties of the class and use them or change their state except through explicit routes

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

e-Book Location: 695-696

At its core, inheritance is a simple concept. A class that extends another class has all of the other class’ properties and methods. This allows developers to create new classes that extend the functionality of other classes.

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

e-Book Location: 786-788

The process of maintaining encapsulation while communicating between objects (classes) is part of a design pattern’s job.

Learning PHP Design Patterns

William Sanders

Seite: 34
e-Book Location: 782-783